
Thursday, October 4, 2018


I.  Part Of Speech
1.      Pronoun (Kata ganti)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menggantikan kata benda baik orang maupun sesuatu. Perhatikan table pronoun (kata ganti berikut ini). Silakan baca artikel tentang pronoun dan fungsinya untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap.

2.     Adjective (Kata sifat)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda. Contoh adjective : Sad, happy, beautiful, crazy, patient, polite, handsome, etc.
Contoh kalimat:
· She is happy
· I have a funny cat.
· That is a wonderful idea.

3. Nouns (Kata benda)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menamai orang, hewan, tempat, benda, etc.
Contoh noun: car, police, teacher, sky, etc.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata benda dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa macam, silakan baca artikel pengertian dan macam kata bendadalam bahasa Inggris.

4. Conjunction (Kata Penghubung)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menhubungkan kata dengan kata, frasa dengan frasa atau kalimat dengan kalimat. Contoh conjunction: and, yet, but, before, after, therefore, otherwise etc. Silakan baca artikel tentang conjunction disini: pengertian conjunction, arti an fungsinya untuk penjelasan yang lebih lengkap.
Contoh kalimat:
· She had gone home before I met her last night.
· They will come to my house andhis house to have a meal.

5. Adverb (Kata keterangan)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau menjelaskan adverb lainnya. ada 7 macam adverb, adverb of time, place, manner, degree, frequency, modality, dan focus.
Contoh adverb: now (time), seriously (manner), there (place), always (frequency)
Contoh kalimatnya:
· I want to visit her now.
· She is studying English seriously.

6. Verb (Kata kerja)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menyatakan tindakan, yang menghasilkan suatu aktivitas. Contoh verb: bring, play, increase, improve, drive, etc.
Contoh kalimat:
· I drive a car very slowly
· We need to improve out speaking skill.

7. Interjection (Kata seru)
Part of speech adalah ucapan pendek (kata seru) yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan sebuah emosi, sapaan etc. Contohnya: Hi!, Hello!, alas!, ouch!
Contoh kalimat:
· Ouch! It hurts, you know!!
· Hello, My name is Dhila.

8. Preposition (Kata depan)
Part of speech ini biasanya dirangkai bersama dengan noun atau pronoun untuk membentuk sebuah phrase yang menjelaskan verb, noun, dan adjective. Silakan baca artikel kami: pengertian dan macam prepositionuntuk penjelasan yang lebih lengkap. Contoh preposition: in, at, on, for, above, under etc.
Contoh kalimat:
· My cat sleeps under the tree.
· She put the book on the table.

II. Singular and Plural
Jika suatu benda (thing) tersebut berjumlah hanya satu (tunggal), maka benda tersebut adalah singular (tunggal). Dan jika jumlahnya lebih dari satu (banyak),maka benda tersebut adalah plural (jamak).
Dalam kasus ini, bentuk singular and plural sering digunakan pada nouns (kata benda) untuk menunjukkan apakah kata benda tersebut jumlahnya tunggal atau jamak.
Biasanya pada kata benda (nouns), untuk menandakan atau menunjukkan bahwa kata benda tersebut jamak, kita cukup menambahkan akhiran “–s/-es” diakhir katanya. Tetapi ada beberapa yang tidak menggunakan akhiran “–s/-es”.
Untuk menandakan bentuk singular,kita perlu menambakan artikel “-a/ -an” sebelum kata bendanya (nouns). Contohnya:
· An apple = 1 apel/ sebuah apel.
(menggunakan “an” karena kata benda “apple” diawali dengan huruf vokal “a”)
· A table = 1 meja/ sebuah meja.
(menggunakan “a” karena kata benda “table” diawali dengan huruf konsonan “t”)
Sedangkan untuk subject:
· I, He, She, It = Singular (Tunggal).
· You, They, We = Plural (Jamak)
Untuk subject "YOU" bisa tunggal / jamak (kamu 1 orang / lebih). Sedangkan subject "THEY" yang memiliki arti mereka, bisa digunakan untuk mewakili benda/ binatang yang berjumlah lebih dari 1 (jamak).
Contoh Kalimat Singular (Tunggal):
· He is a student in the Gunadarma University.
(Artinya: Dia adalah siswa di Universitas Gunadarma)
· My class is beautiful.
(Artinya: Kelas saya indah)
Contoh Kalimat Plural (Jamak):
· The Dean meets her students in front of the office.
(Artinya: Dekan bertemu dengan siswa-siswanya di depan kantor)
· My rooms are rented for three months.
(Artinya: Kamar-kamar saya disewakan selama 3 bulan)

III.  Active and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat.
· Active : Mary   helped   the boy.
S          V         O
· Passive : The boy    was helped    by Mary.
S                      V        
Dari contoh tersebut dapat kita lihat bahwa:
      Object dari active voice (the boy)menjadi subject dari passive voice.
      Subject dari active voice (Mary)menjadi object dari passive voice.
      Verb “helped” pada active voice menjadi “was helped” pada passive voice.
Form of the passive : be + past participle
(be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang        digunakan).
Ø  Change the Active into Passive
1.     Simple Present
Active : Novita helps the boy
Passive : The boy is helped by Novita
2.     Present Progressive
Active : Riska is helping Afyfa.
Passive : Afyfa is being helped by Riska
3.     Present Perfect
Active : Aulia has forgot her old friend.
Passive : Her old friend has been forgotten by Aulia.
4.     Simple Past
Active : Adianto helped the brother.
Passive : The brother was helped by Adianto.
5.     Past Progressive
Active : Indah was giving a chocolate to Jehan
Passive : A chocolate was being given by Indah to Jehan.
6.     Past Perfect
Active : Dony had helped Falikh.
Passive : Falikh had been helped by Dony.
7.     Simple Future
Active : Anita will draw a butterfly.
Passive : A butterfly will be drawnby Anita.
8.     Be going to
Active : Puja is going to buy a pen.
Passive : A pen is going to be bought by Puja.
9.     Future perfect
Active : Leni will have wrote a letter.
Passive : A letter will have been written by Leni.
Ø  Change the Passive into Active
1.     Passive : The floor is swept by me.
Active : I sweep the floor.
2.     Passive : My book was taken by Erlang last week.
Active : Erlang took my book last week.
3.     Passive : My wallet was stolen by the thief yesterday.
Active : The thief steal my wallet yesterday.
4.     Passive : Naturally, trees are usedto build damn by the beavers.
Active : Naturally, the beavers usetrees to build damn.
5.     Passive : The medical insurance forms must be sent by the patients.
Active : The patients must send the medical insurance forms.
6.     Passive : The employees’ request for a rise in salary was ignored by the supervisor.
Active : The supervisor ignored the employees’ request for a rise in salary.
7.     Passive : Easy loans are providedby the World Bank for the economic development.
Active : The World Bank provideseasy loans for the economic development.
IV.            Irregular Verb
Irregular verbs merupakan kata kerja yang tidak beraturan. pemakaian kata kerja ini berdasarkan waktu yang digunakan. kata kerja tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga bentuk,yaitu bi, pt, dan ps.pt yang dalam buku sering mendevinisikan dengan V1, V2,V3.
Berikut merupakan daftar dari verb tersebut :
No                          Infinitive           Past form                 Past participle
                                  (V1)                   (V2)                            (V3)
1.                            arise                      arose                         arisen
2.                            awake                   awoke                       awoken
3.                            be                         was/were                  been
4.                            bear                      bore                          borne/b0rn
5.                            beat                      beat                           beaten
6.                            become                became                     become
7.                            begin                     began                       begun
8.                            beset                     beset                        beset
9.                            bet                         bet/betted                 bet/betted
10.                          bid                        bid/bade                   bid/bidden        
11.                          bend                     bent                          bent
12.                          beseech                besought                   besought
13.                          bind                       bound                       bound  
14.                          bite                        bit                             bitten
15.                          bleed                    bled                           bled
16.                          blow                      blew                          blown
17.                          break                    broke                        broken
18.                          breed                    bred                          bred
19.                          bring                      brought                    brought
20.                          broadcast              broadcast                 broadcast
21.                          build                      built                         built
22.                          burn                      burned                     burned
23.                          burst                     burst                        burst
24 .                         buy                        bought                    bought
25.                          cast                       cast                           cast
26.                          catch                     caught                     caught
27.                          choose                 chose                       chosen
28.                          cling                     clung                        clung    
29.                          come                    came                        come
30.                          cost                       cost                          cost
31.                          creep                    crept                       crept
32.                          cut                         cut                           cut
33.                          deal                       dealt                        dealt
34.                          dig                         dug                          dug
35.                          do                          did                          done
36.                          draw                      drew                      drawen
37.                          dream                   dreamt                   dreamt
38.                          drink                      drank                     drunk
39.                          drive                      drove                      driven
40.                          dwell                     dwelt                       dwelt
41.                          eat                         ate                           eaten
V.              Underline the Subject and Verb in each sentence
Contoh :
1.     Someone   invited  me to a party.
     S                V         
2.     The teacher   is giving  a test in the next room right now.
       S                  V
3.     Rico   will announce  the news tomorrow.
   S               V
4.     The government   requires international students to have visas.
          S                      V
5.     People   speak  Arabic in many countries.    
    S           V   
VI.            Preposition
Subject + verb                            Preposition                             Noun
The pen is                                                on                                the table
He lives                                                    in                                 england
Henry is looking                                      for                               you
The newspaper is                                     under                           your green book
Pascal is used                                          to                                 english
She                                                           to                                 working
We ate                                                      before                          coming

Preposition           use                             Example
During (selama)   while in                      During the movie, During the flight
During my stay
For (untuk)                                              for two days, for an hour
From/to                                                   From Saturday to Monday, From 5 to 9
Between               the time period from Between 1986 and 2012
                                                one to another             Between Saturday and Monday
Until/till               before a certain time Until/till Sunday 5 o’clock
By                        at the least                  by Tuesday, By next mounth,
 by tomorrow
Contoh kalimat preposition :
1.     Febriandi goes to school bymotorcycle
2.     Aulia read novel at library
3.     I am usually Fajr prayer at five o’clock
4.     I am go to village between eid mubarok and eid adha
5.     I am ablution before read al’quran
6.     My family will to stay in puncak forthree days
7.     We ate popcorn during watch the movie
8.     My friend will go to puncak fromWednesday to Friday
9.     My book on the bed
10.  I learn english from four o;clock untilfive o’clock
VII.         Degree of Comparison
Degree of comparison adalah bentuk adjective atau adverb yang menyatakan perbandingan. Ada tiga degree of comparison, yaitu: positive, comparative, dansuperlative degree.
Positive                            Comparative                                      Superlative
Good                                      Better                                                  Best
Hot                                         Hotter                                                  Hottest
Sharp                                      Sharper                                               Sharpest
Tall                                         Taller                                                  Tallest
Short                                       Shorter                                                Shortest
Large                                       Larger                                                 Largest
High                                        Higher                                                 Highest
Old                                          Older                                                   Oldest
Young                                     Younger                                              Youngest
Long                                        Longer                                                 Longest
Positive                                Comparative                                     Superlative
Honest                                     More honest                                      Most honest
Beautiful                                  More beautiful                                  Most beautiful
Popular                                    More popular                                    Most popular
Reliable                                   More realiable                                   Most realiable
Useful                                      More useful                                      Most useful
Playful                                     More playful                                     Most playful
Intelligent                                 More intelligent                               Most intelligent
Athletic                                    More athletic                                    Most athletic
Interesting                               More interesting                               Most interesting
Difficult                                    More difficult                                  Most difficult
Ø     Comparative degree
Digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal. Kebanyakannya adjective atau adverb satu suku kata ditambahkanakhiran -er, sedangkan dua suku kata atau lebih diawali dengan kata more. Khusus untuk dua suku kata adjective dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -ier. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, degree of comparison ini biasanya ditemani kata than.
Contoh :
·       Your body is bigger than me.
·       Anna is younger than David.
·       Chester is older than me.
·       My handphone is more expensive than yours.
·       His brother is more interesting than him.
Ø     Superlative degree
Berfungsi untuk membandingankan tiga atau lebih hal. Mayoritas satu suku katanya ditambahkan akhiran -est, sedangkan lebih dari satu suku kata diawali dengan kata most. Adapun untuk dua suku kata adjective dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -iest. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, superlative degree diawali dengan kata the.
Contoh :
·       Agnes Monica is the bestsinger of the year.
·       He is the tallest boy in my family.
·       Maryati is the most honestperson i’ve ever met.
·       Jakarta is the hottest city in Indonesia.
·       The most difficult thing for student is study hard for the exam.
Ø     Make sentences by using Degree of Comparison about the country (Italy, Egypt, Japan, North Korea, and USA)
·       Sphinx statue is more beautiful than Liberty statue.
·       Spaghetti is more deliciousthan Sushi.
·       Pisa tower is bigger thanMonas.
·       The weather in North Korea ishotter than the weather in Japan
·       Pyramid is larger than Sphinx.
·       Kimono is the most beautifultraditional dress.
·       Sahara desert is the hottestdesert in Egypt.
·       Pizza is the most popular food in Italy
·       Liberty  is the highest statue in the USA
·       Barack Obama is the most important person in USA.
VIII.       Conditional Sentences
1)     Conditional 1                    
Þ              True in the present / future
·       If + simple present, simple present
-        If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during the class
·       If + simple present, simple future
Ex :
-         If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry
during the class
2)     Conditional 2
Þ         Untrue in the present / future
·       If + simple past, would / could / might + simple form
-        If he were here right now, he would help us.
-        If I had a boyfriend, he would stay with me right now

3)     Conditional 3
Þ         Untrue in the past
·       If + past perfect, would have + verb 3
-        If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
-        If we had gone by motorcycle to that place, we would have gotten  there faster.
IX.            Adjective Clauses
1.     Who, whom, that = people
-        I saw the man. He clossed the door.
I saw the man who clossed the door.
-        The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him.
The man who I saw was Mr. Jones.
2.     Which, that = thing
-        The book is mine. It is on the table.
The book which is on the table is mine.
The book that is on the table is mine.
3.      Whose = prossesion
-        I know the man. His bicycle was stolen.
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.
4.     Where, which (in), that (in) = a place
-        The building is very old. He lives there.
The building where he lives is very old.
The building in which he lives is very old.
The building that he lives in is very old.
5.      When, that, which (on) = time
-        I'll never forget the day. I met you then.
 I'll never forget the day when i met you.
 I'll never forget the day on whichi met you.
 I'll never forget the day that i met you.
X.              Combine the sentences into Adjective Clauses
1.     The girl is happy. She won the race.
The girl who/ whom/that  won the race is happy.
2.     We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.
We are studying sentences that/whichcontain adjective clauses.
3.     I know the man. His bicycle was stolen.
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.
4.     The city was beautiful. We spent our vacation there.
The city where  we spent our vacation was beautiful
5.     1960 is the year. The revolution took place then.
1960 is the year when the revolution took place.
6.     The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.
The taxi driver who/whom/that took me to the airport was friendly.
7.     The book was good. I read it.
The book that/which I read was good.
8.     The town is small. I grew up there.
The town where I grew up is small.
9.     The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.
The people who we visited yesterday were very nice.
10.  The topic was interesting. Omar talked about it.
The topic which/that Omar talked about was interesting.

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